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Golden Int'l, is an int'l Dance, Film and Language Academy; annual open professional, applicability, and colorful, fascinating course.
Golden Int'l to create and have a highly efficient, mature, unique, innovative teaching methods Int'l, Golden Int'l will teaching be restructured to encourage dry type, heuristic, subtle style of teaching, guide students in the happy, the spontaneous study hard; show themselves every day.
Acquainting you with our Academy aspect you of our teaching and programs by Chinese and English Language: Join our special Saturday primary classes kids age between 5 to 8 year old Join our special Sunday primary classes kids age between 5 to 8 year old Private lesson, one to one classes, kids age between 2 to 8 years old Private lesson, one to two or three class kids age between 2 to 8 years old (parent with child to learn together)
We open synthesize program classes for preprimary by English language and Chinese language the detail is as follows:
5-8 Years Old Children Host Training Poetry, Dance, Drama Program on Saturday Schedule
Saturday |
Course ##### |
10-10:25 |
Training for Poetry, Drama Lesson |
10:3-10:55 |
Training for Poetry, Drama Lesson |
11-11:25 |
Special Training for Dance |
11:3-11:55 |
Special Training for Dance |
Admission: 18 students; Class size: 1-6 Students;
Period: 1) Long period: 200 - 600 classes, Mar. 7, 2015 to Dec. 10, 2016 connect Saturdays, or summer vacation; Tuition : Original RMB90,000, current RMB19990(or US$2,850), RMB20 each class, an additional charge RMB10 for each student card and two photos needed;
Rehearsal: every year in Dec. , May and Aug. on a Saturday;
Student will join 6 times Rehearsals and Performances on Saturday, to join special private training classes, obtain 6 times will issue on Golden Int'l offocial website facing whole world for free download;
2) Short period: 40 - 120 classes, Mar. 7, 2015 to May 30, 2015 connet Saturdays; Tuition: Original RMB29990, current RMB9990(or US$1350) RMB60/class; an additional charge RMB10 for each students card and two photos needed;
Rehearsal: May 30, 2015;
Students will join Rehearsals and Performances on Saturday, 6 to 9 pm, to join special private training classes, obtain one time will issue on Golden Int'l offocial website facing whole world for free download;
Start on: Mar. 7, 2015, Saturday;
Note: 1. Registration: Jan. 20, 2015 Start Register, to the Golden Int'l: registed detail information
3. The payment: Cash or credit card (credit card required to pay 1% fee);
4. Appearance, when you bring the as following:
1) registration number; 2) the child or parents original ID card or passport with a set copy; 3) two photos (one inch, 2 inches of a black and white, color can be); 4) registration form (at the scene when they reported to receive);
5. Check in date: Mar. 6; time: 30 minutes before first class open;
6. Failed to properly report late, the Golden Int'l right to cancel its registration number;
7. Appearance, location: Golden Int'l Language Academy;
8. Class date: as same above;
金池国际官方网站 Golden Int'l Official Website:
1. 金池国际免费下载 面向全世界提供专业教学视频免费下载!用我们的大爱, 无私的关怀, 引导国际的阳光, 知识......! 面向全世界提供专业教学视频, 阳光的, 专业的, 新颖的, 通俗易懂的, 由浅入深, 分解动作, 由简到繁, 循序渐进的教学, 每周将不断地发布新的专业教学视频, 五大类别: 2-8岁幼儿, 8-12岁少儿, 青少年, 上班族休闲族人士和学习专业学生 Golden Int'l Free Download teaching lesson, performances and etc. face to all over the world to provide professional teaching by video, the sunshine, professional, innovative, easy to understand, isolations, from easy to difficult, step by step teaching, every week will continue to release new professional teaching by video, for child, kid, youth, adult amateur and schools;
2. 手机金池国际 分为五大类别: 2-8岁幼儿, 8-12岁少儿, 青少年, 上班族休闲族人士和学习专业学生 Golden Int'l Cell-Phone download teaching lesson, performances and etc. for child, kid, youth, adult amateur and schools;
3. 金池国际收费下载 面向全世界提供专业教学视频, 阳光的, 专业的, 新颖的, 通俗易懂的, 由浅入深, 分解动作, 由简到繁, 循序渐进的教学, 每周将不断地发布新的专业教学视频, 分为五大类别: 2-8岁幼儿, 8-12岁少儿, 青少年, 上班族休闲族人士和学习专业学生 Golden Int'l Charge Download face to all over the world to provide professional teaching by video, the sunshine, professional, innovative, easy to understand, isolations, from easy to difficult, step by step teaching, every week will continue to release new professional teaching by video, is divided into five categories: 2-8 years old child, 8 and 12 years old kid, teenagers, office worker or leisure people and student learning;
Study in China: for lesson Chinese folk dances hanyu home-stay and etc. ;
7. 金池国际教育加盟 来自美国的金池国际在中国和世界范围内筛选愿意长期投资阳光教育事业、条件优越、实力雄厚的合作者, 建立金池国际授权舞蹈, 口语, 表演, 主持等综合素质培训的金池国际分校, 共享综合素质培训这个即阳光灿烂, 又有无限发展空间的朝阳事业 Golden Int'l League Education Golden Int'l came from USA current located in Beijing center, welcome in worldwide to long-term investment sunshine education, favorable conditions, the strength of the partners, established Golden Intl authorized dance, speaking and so on other comprehensive quality training, sharing the comprehensive quality training;