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The face of unfamiliar crowd, do you can use own remarks, immediately cut into the theme?

Get a minute opportunity, you can naturally, chic to introduce yourself?

For the majority of young people, no matter you in terms of at school, or abroad study, or again studies, or jobs interview etc., are faced with a variety of people, need  showing and so on, all in real terms, are in a variety of occasions, to show a persons quality and temperament. 

And often in this case, given time is only between 3 and 5 minutes, in such a short time, put their own excellent, comprehensive, complete manifested difficult, but each should take advantage of this opportunity give full play to their strengths, reasonable, appropriate to show ourselves, so that every adolescent usually should continue to improve their overall quality.

EVERYONE CAN MASTER PROTECTION EGO HEALTH right modern KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY, please participate in Life Science - Golden Intl Mobile Health Teaching Free Download, use piecemeal minute...,  far away from diseases, or accelerate patient rehabilitation, everyone obtained prolong longevity and health!


Principle of Life Science - Golden Intl Mobile Health Project teaching involved dozens of scientific knowledge... namely: it is a health language,  is made up of the brain language, eyes language, and body language.

Golden Intl, is an Intl Film, Healthy Dance, Language Comprehensive University, current location is in New York, Beijing. Facing to global study, teaching, spread Life Science - Golden Intl Mobile Health Science, the use unique Golden Intl Health Language, training Life Science - Golden Intl Mobile Health Sciences professional health education personnel, professional health research personnel cradle.

Golden Intl  owns Golden Intl Film Academy, Golden Intl Dance Academy, Golden Intl Language Academy, Golden Intl League Education, Golden Intl Free Download etc.

Golden Intl held the Golden Intl Health Tour in USA, namely, youth will attend Golden Intl short term learn program in Long Island, New York, USA, the detail is  as follows: 

1. For participants:


2. Training objectives:

Learning Life Science - Golden Intl Mobile Health Science, targeted knowledge, technology, master protective ego health correct knowledge and technology, access to health, joy and happiness, far away from depression

3. The United States Special Training Plan:

Personally participate in Golden Intl World Health Tourist, in New York, Long Island, focus on learning and master knowledge and technology.  Learning inspirational speech: Today, I was a little tree! Learn: when get a minute opportunity, how can naturally, chic to introduce self!  Learn about American etiquette, Speak Training:  Immediately Cut Into The Theme! Special Comprehensive Training Program. Youth can also learn  understand the United States learning, living environment etc.

4. Activity period: between Aug. 3  to Aug. 16, 2017, two weeks, in New York

5. Tuition: $9,990.00 (including tuition,  visiting costs)

6. Payment: T/T wire transfer, wire transfer information

7. Tuition also includes: room stay in the United States, the tour itinerary urban transport vehicles ordinary team breakfast and lunch trip attractions listed tickets itinerary around quality guided tours, gratuities required full payment American Tourism Protection plan

8. Tuition does not include - Airfares Single room Any costs other than specified in itinerary or activities of interest arising passport fees, resulting in driver overtime costs the aforementioned tuition also includes Terms not stated all additional costs

9. Golden Intl reserves the right to adjust the travel order

10. Breakfast and lunch will by themselves at airport

11. Due to objective reasons and non-Golden Intl force majeure (such as natural disasters, war, strikes, etc.) or airline flight delays, cancellations, delays, visa consulate, Golden Intl the right to change the itinerary, all excess costs incurred (such as: outside extension visa fees, accommodation, meals, transportation and other expenses), by the students themselves

12. Housing arrange principle for, usually 2 persons, share one room, if  need single room accommodation, should pay extra money $1400 for one person

13. Quota:   10 students,  for boy and girl 

14.  Age:      16 years old to 18 years old: 


1.  Registration:   Feb. 1, 2017 Start Registeronline registration information

1-1 The beginning and ending time of online registration:  Feb. 1 to Feb. 28, 2017. No longer overdue, shall not modify the registration information

1-2 Before the online application, be sure to carefully select the item to read the information. Registration is fill mistake, error reporting test information, or to fill in false information resulted in the normal participants, the consequences borne by themselves

1-3 Participants at the time of online registration must be uploaded inch of your recent passport photo of the electronic version (less than 20 K), please register online before the ready 

1-4 Confirm the online registration information is correct, after a successful upload photos, please remember your registration number

1-5 Registration is available at: Golden Intl United States to study the online application

2. T / T wire transfer: T/T wire transfer is comprising two items as follows:

2-1 Tuition: $9990.00

2-2 Other charges: $500.00 includes courier, invitations and other fees

3. Note:

3-1 If the visa is not passed, the tuition will be refunded T / T wire payments within ten business days, other charge is not refundable

3-2 has completed online applicants, with their passports, Golden Intl United States to study online registration printed document signed before Mar. 15, 2017, for T / T wire transfer, pay tuition The same time provide can receive Express mail full postal address, telephone number, correct recipient name, e-mail (EMAIL), immediately notify the Golden intl, e-mail email:

3-3 Registration in order to receive tuition prevail, until full

4.  Invitations, visa: Golden Intl received information of students, tuition, within five working days to send invitation letter by express mail, and email notification

5.  The United States embassy or consulate to apply for a visa, please bring the following visa information (to the United States visa office)

5-1 Golden Intl short term  American learn, the online application form

5-2 6 pieces your recent color passport photographs

5-3 Bank statement: more than half year of the bank account name to prove themselves or others person, original and one copy,  the account in the amount of around $60,000.00

5-4 The relationship with the bank documents, proof the documentation for your relationship, proving cost sources

5-5 Golden Intl original invitations and a copy, your resume original and a copy

5-6 Valid passport (passport must be valid after December 2018)

5-7 Your physical health checklist (hospitals above the county level, in English)

5-8 US Embassy or consulate visa office telephone number or online booking reservation number

5-9 Evidences, namely: you had been visit other developed countries, including the old passport or photographs

6.  The United States Registration:

6-1 Registration date:     Aug. 2, 2017, Wednesday  

6-2 Registration time:     1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

6-3 Class start date:        Aug. 3, 2017, Thursday  

6-4   Class start time:     10:00 am

7.  Overdue normal to report, Golden Intl the right to cancel its registration number, refundable tuition, please participate in class on time

8.  Venue: Golden Intl  Map

9. Room and food expenses for the learning period:

9-1 Golden Intl will responsible cost of breakfast and lunch in the Long Island, New York

9-2 Golden Intl will responsible accommodation cost  in Long Island, New York

金池国际官方网站 Golden Int’l Official Website:

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2.  手机金池国际免费下载  面对面教学方式和远程教学方式, 教学分成五大类:  0-7岁幼儿 , 8-12岁少儿 , 青少年 , 上班休闲人士 , 高水平学习者公司单位 Golden Int’l Cell-Phone      Face to face teaching method and distance learning method, teaching is divided into five categories: 0 - 7 Years Old Child8 and 12 Years Old Kid , TeenagerOffice Worker or Leisure PeopleHigh Lever PersonCompany Plan
3.  金池国际收费下载 面向全世界提供生命科学-金池国际移动健康教学, 阳光的, 专业的, 新颖的, 通俗易懂的, 由浅入深, 分解动作, 由简到繁, 循序渐进的教学, 远离疾病, 或者加速病患康复, 人人在快乐中享受幸福生活, 延长健康寿命!教学分成分为五大类:  0- 7岁幼儿8 - 12岁少儿青少年上班休闲族高水平学习者 Golden Int’l Charge Download   face to all over the world to provide  Life Science - Golden Int’l Mobile Health Teaching, master ego protect health right modern technology, the sunshine, professional, innovative, easy to understand, isolation, from easy to difficult, step by step teaching, every week will continue to release new professional teaching by online, teaching is divided into five categories:  0 - 7 Years Old Child , 8 - 12 Years Old Kid , TeenagerOffice Worker or Leisure People and High Lever Person .
4.  金池国际电影学院  面对面教学方式和远程教学方式, 教学分成五大类:  0-7岁幼儿 , 8-12岁少儿 , 青少年 , 上班休闲人士 , 高水平学习者公司单位  Golden Int’l Film Academy    Face to face teaching method and distance learning method, teaching is divided into five categories: 0 - 7 Years Old Children , 8 and 12 Years Old Kid , Teenagers ,Office Worker or Leisure People , High Lever PersonCompany Plan 
5.  金池国际舞蹈学院  面对面教学方式和远程教学方式, 教学分成五大类:  0-7岁幼儿 , 8-12岁少儿 , 青少年 , 上班休闲人士 , 高水平学习者公司单位   Golden Int’l Dance Academy  Face to face teaching method and distance learning method, teaching is divided into five categories: 0 - 7 Years Old Child8 and 12 Years Old Kid , TeenagerOffice Worker or Leisure People , High Lever PersonCompany Cooperation Plan
6.  金池国际美国留学   面对面教学方式和远程教学方式, 教学分成五大类:  5-7岁幼儿 , 8-12岁少儿 , 青少年 , 上班休闲人士 , 高水平学习者 Golden Int’l Study in USA : Face to face teaching method and distance learning method, teaching is divided into five categories: 5 - 7 Years Old Child8 and 12 Years Old Kid , TeenagerOffice Worker or Leisure People , High Lever Person 
7.  金池国际教育加盟 在世界范围内, 金池国际正在寻找, 选择, 有爱心, 愿意加盟阳光健康教育事业、条件优越、实力雄厚的合作者, 建立金池国际授权的金池国际分校, 共享这个即阳光灿烂, 又拥有无限发展空间的健康教育 Golden Int’l League Education Worldwide, Golden Int’l is looking for, select, that have loving, is willing to join the cause of health education, have favorable conditions partners, authorized the establishment of Golden Intl branch school, namely share this sunny, another have unlimited room for developments health education
8.  金池国际语言学院     面对面高效的, 成熟的, 独特的金池国际口语, 主持, 朗诵等教学等等, 教学分成五大类 0-7岁幼儿 , 8-12岁少儿 , 青少年 , 上班休闲人士 , 高水平学习者公司单位  Golden Int’l Language Academy  Face to face teaching method and distance learning method, teaching is divided into five categories: 5 - 7 Years Old Child8 and 12 Years Old Kid , TeenagerOffice Worker or Leisure People , High Lever Person
9.  金池国际健康商城    远程教学方式, 教学分成五大类: 分别 针对 0-7岁幼儿, 或 8-12岁少儿, 或青少年,  或上班休闲人士, 或学习高水平者希望到达提高协调性, 或远离肥胖, 或远离疾病等等为主综合教学存在的需求, 特别安排制作的针对性的综合教学特殊课程, 掌握自我保护健康的正确现代知识和技术, 远离疾病, 或者加速康复, 人人在快乐中享受健康生活  Golden Int’l Health Mall  distance learning method, teaching is divided into five categories: respectively aim at 0 - 7 years old children, 8-12 kid, youth, adult and learning high levels person to hope to improve ego body coordination, or away from obesity and so on demand give priority to the comprehensive teaching,  special arrangement to make targeted integrated special course teaching, to master your ego protection health rightly modern knowledge and technology, away from the disease, or accelerate rehabilitation, everyone enjoy healthy life in happiness

10.  搜索 金池国际   即可到达 金池国际  官方网站  Or search Golden Int’l can reach Golden Int’l  official website 

Golden International Language Academy

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Golden Int'l is a not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization.   Copyright © Golden International